EFN Members' Spring Forward Meetings Online
Three informative and productive sessions
Because we couldn't meet up and had to postpone our second real-life annual 2-day conference that had originally been planned for November 2020 in Budapest, we substituted it (until we were able to travel and meet again) with 3 half-day virtual meetings - the EFN Spring Forward series from March to June 2021.
Participation in each Spring Forward meeting was FREE for all EFN Members who had paid an up to date membership subscription. (Participation was free for a maximum of three people from EFN Members which are organisations.) Non-members were also welcomed .
The Spring Forward #1 meeting was held on the afternoon of Monday 15 March. The programme - on the theme: EFN Today - Who We Are and Where We Are - included discussion of the Stage One Mapping report and also EFN's first official Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Spring Forward #2 on Saturday 24 April focussed on the theme: EFN Tomorrow: Who We Want To Be and Where We Want To Go. Members heard from six highly informative and experienced speakers from across Europe.
Musician/organiser/educator Alistair Anderson opened the meeting with an inspirational keynote speech, setting the tone and spirit for the meeting's exploration of why our traditional arts are important and what EFN can do to support them. Read Alistair's fascinating speech in full HERE.
EFN Members Linda Dyrnes, Alban Cogrel and Julien Regi presented information on their national organisations, offering encouraging examples of how successful traditional arts networks grow and operate. Download Linda's presentation on Norway's FolkOrg HERE ; and Alban and Julien's presentation about France's FAMDT HERE.
Serbia's Svetlana Spajic and Poland's Janusz Prusinowski spoke with passion and eloquence about their work promoting and sustaining traditional dance and music in their own communities. Video excerpts from their speeches will be posted on this website soon.
In the second half of the meeting, EFN Members and the speakers participated in group discussions. Each group produced ideas and suggestions, which were transcribed and will form the basis of a draft Manifesto and 3 Year Plan for EFN, which will be presented and discussed at Spring Forward #3 on 9 June.
Spring Forward #3 - on Wednesday 9 June focussed on: An EFN Manifesto and Three Year Strategic Plan and concentrated on discussions between members.
For example:
Spring Forward #3
9 June 2021
All times are UK BST
13.30 -14.00
Zoom link open for everyone to join
14.00 – 14.10
Welcome & introduction
EFN Chair David Francis
14.10 – 14.20
introduced by Nod Knowles
14.20 – 14.50
Breakout groups sessions
The meeting was divided into small groups – each group discussed the draft Manifesto and how it could be used.
14.50 – 15.00
introduced by David Francis
15.00 – 15.10
15.10 – 15.50
Breakout groups sessions
The meeting was divided into small groups – each group discussed the draft Plan and what practical suggestions and commitments they could bring to it.
15.50 – 16.00
Summing up
David Francis
16.00 – 16.10
Internal Regulations/ByLaws for Board elections
presented by Nod Knowles
16.10 - 16.20
Thanks and end of formal meeting
16.20 – 17.00
Informal Aperitivo
Short sessions for general meeting and greeting in random breakout rooms.
17.00 END