By the point at which this Stage One report was written in November 2020 there were 173 responses to the EFN Mapping survey. Of course, as a self-selecting group, these respondents are not necessarily a fully representative sample of the undoubtedly much wider traditional sector but they do give a remarkable early indication of traditional arts activity across Europe.
For details on each aspect of the survey and a commentary on the questions that the information raises, READ THE FULL REPORT HERE.
The key information will soon be presented in specially designed visual info-graphics to Members and on the EFN website - but here are the:
The 173 respondents to the survey were self-selecting and came from 30 countries from across the European continent and near neighbours.
For 83% of respondents, all, or more than half of all their activity is concerned with traditional arts.
95% of respondents work with traditional or folk music, 30% with dance and 15% with storytelling.
63% of respondents work with their national traditions, and 36% also work with traditions from elsewhere in the world as well as European indigenous traditional arts.
Respondents covered a wide range of activities and many organisations cover more than one area of work. The vast majority of respondents work with live performance in the form of concerts and festivals, and many respondents also reported working in educational settings such as providing workshops or community projects.
The 173 respondents to the survey present 5,778 concerts per year, an average of 55 concerts a year. They organise 387 festivals and over 8,500 workshops per year.
11 respondents present showcases in which there were a total of around 125 concerts.
In broad terms, respondents reach around 2 million people per year in total, averaging circa 17,188 audience members per year, with over 38,000 participants in community projects and 22,632 people reached through workshops/classes or residential courses.
Respondents derive their income from a wide range of sources but primarily from two main sources - ticket sales for live performance and public funding (national and regional).
Organisations who responded work across a variety of all the age ranges of people in Europe and the vast majority (68%) work with young people under 25.
The 173 respondents support circa 813 salaried jobs, with a similar number of project and voluntary staff. On average they employ 8 people in their organisation.
The Mapping research is an ongoing, long-term project and there is much more valuable information still to be gathered. If you have not yet taken the survey you can find and take it directly HERE - and please encourage friends and contacts to do the same.
This Stage One report was generously supported by EFN Members and Founding Members and by
Creative Scotland and British Council Scotland via TRACS – Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, with assistance from Newcastle University and with Wales Arts International support for Youth Engagement.