People express and celebrate the rich diversity of cultural identities in Europe through folk and traditional music and associated performing arts.
In order to do that they need to know it, know about it and have access to it. Therefore:
The network exists to support the knowledge and practice of and access to the arts of tradition currently practised in Europe in their diverse forms and origins.
To be the authoritative and representative voice for folk and traditional arts of music, dance and storytelling in the European context.
How will EFN work to achieve that mission?
Recruiting members and building a critical mass of individuals and organisations working in the field of folk and traditional arts in Europe.
Developing and sustaining EFN as a network organisation.
Raising funds and participating in joint projects.

1. To facilitate communication and interaction between the sector and EFN members, for them to find common objectives, interests and collaborations
How will EFN work to achieve that?
Organising an annual conference and other opportunities for members and others to meet and share interests and ideas
Operating as a forum for practical partnerships, creative projects and creating work together
Assisting the exchange of good practise, skills and opportunities for artists and organisers
2. To give visibility and contribute, through dialogue, to the concerns and interests of the traditional arts community.
How will EFN work to achieve that?
Creating the annual conference and other opportunities for members to meet and share interests and ideas
Organising online meetings, newsletters and other communications and activities
Supporting research projects to illuminate the scope and range of traditional arts activity in Europe
3. To increase recognition, support and resources for the traditional arts sector in Europe
How will EFN work to achieve that?
Actively participating in other cultural institutions and networks
Engaging with policy making and policy makers within Europe
4. To improve the awareness and understanding of folk and traditional arts throughout Europe, in which diversity, identity and recognition of each other’s culture are essential pillars.
How will EFN work to achieve that?
Promoting and facilitating the European Folk Day project
Developing EFN as a point of presence and access for the media
Producing regular communications and PR on behalf of the sector